Big Enterprise


Marisa & Luthfi
Ethnic At Its Best

Balai Kartini Jakarta

10 March 2012

The most interesting part in organizing a traditional wedding is to see the richness of our local culture being applied in our client's wedding day. From the ceremony, decoration, dresses, accessories, foods, everything were so colorful and detailed. Together they made a great harmony to the wedding of Marisa and Luthfi.


Held in Balai Kartini, Jakarta, on March 10th 2012, Marisa and Luthfi wedding went excellently smooth. We had prepared the moment and had run through every detail so that it would result in a perfect wedding. As you can see from the pictures, starting from the morning ceremony until the reception Marisa and Luthfi can't take the smile off of their faces. They simply can't hide the happy and overwhelmed feeling. The decoration was dominated with maroon, orange and gold colors. From the foyer up to the stage the decoration was like a huge mosque with great ornaments as details.


For this wedding we were helped by Irwan Riady for make up and hair do, Sanggar Putri Ayu for the traditional dress during reception, Watie Iskandar for the magnificent decoration, Budi Prayitno for the entertainment and sound system, Sanggar Sriwijaya for the traditional dancers, Yulianto Photography for the photo and video, and Tia Monica as the MC. Gratefully, we are always supported with other professional and great vendors in fulfilling our clients' needs. It's all about chemistry and team work.


We hope Marisa and Luthfi's marriage life will be filled with abundant blessings and richness just like their wedding day.


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